By default, automatic voucher numbering is enabled due to which voucher numbers are entered automatically. When we entering a voucher, voucher numbers are automatically entered serially from 1, 2, 3 and so on. Many of us need to enter voucher numbers manually due to various reasons. Manual entry for voucher number is required mainly for purchase vouchers as goods are purchased from different vendors throughout the year and we get random voucher numbers every time we purchase.
We can edit vouchers types for manual voucher numbering in Tally ERP9. We can have manual voucher numbering for purchase, sales, receipt, payment, credit note, debit note, journal, memorandum, contra, sales journal etc. This tutorial will be for enabling manual voucher entry of purchase and sales, receipt, payment and others will be covered at the end.
Procedure to enable manual voucher numbering (for purchase):
- Open Tally ERP9. Select the company you want to enable manual voucher numbering. You will be at gateway of Tally.
- Go to Inventory info. (I) > Voucher types (V) > Alter (A).
- You will see a list of voucher types on Tally ERP9.

- Go to "Purchase". You will see a window for purchase vouchers alteration.
- Go to "Method of voucher numbering" and select "Manual".
- Press enter to accept and then keep pressing on other options and you will see a confirmation to accept or not.
- Press enter to accept finally and save changed setting.
- That's all, now you have to enter voucher numbers manually for entering all purchase vouchers.
For other voucher types:
If you want to enable manual voucher numbering for "sales", select sales then change "method of voucher numbering" to "manual" in forth step.
If you want to enable manual voucher numbering for contra, select "contra" then change "method of voucher numbering" to "manual" in forth step.
If you want to enable manual voucher numbering for credit note, select "credit note" then change "method of voucher numbering" to "manual" in forth step.
If you want to enable manual voucher numbering for debit note, select "debit note" then change "method of voucher numbering" to "manual" in forth step.
If you want to enable manual voucher numbering for delivery note, select "delivery note" then change "method of voucher numbering" to "manual" in forth step.
If you want to enable manual voucher numbering for journal, select "journal" then change "method of voucher numbering" to "manual" in forth step.
If you want to enable manual voucher numbering for memorandum, select "memorandum" then change "method of voucher numbering" to "manual" in forth step.
If you want to enable manual voucher numbering for physical stock, select "physical stock" then change "method of voucher numbering" to "manual" in forth step.
If you want to enable manual voucher numbering for payment, select "payment" then change "method of voucher numbering" to "manual" in forth step.
If you want to enable manual voucher numbering for purchase order, select "purchase order" then change "method of voucher numbering" to "manual" in forth step.
If you want to enable manual voucher numbering for receipt, select "receipt" then change "method of voucher numbering" to "manual" in forth step.
If you want to enable manual voucher numbering for receipt note, select "receipt note" sales then change "method of voucher numbering" to "manual" in forth step.
If you want to enable manual voucher numbering for rejections in, select "rejections in" then change "method of voucher numbering" to "manual" in forth step.
If you want to enable manual voucher numbering for rejections out, select "rejections out" then change "method of voucher numbering" to "manual" in forth step.
If you want to enable manual voucher numbering for reversing journal, select "reversing journal" then change "method of voucher numbering" to "manual" in forth step.
If you want to enable manual voucher numbering for sales order, select "sales order" then change "method of voucher numbering" to "manual" in forth step.
If you want to enable manual voucher numbering for stock journal, select "stock journal" then change "method of voucher numbering" to "manual" in forth step.