Nowadays Kidney Disease is very prevalent as diabetes, obesity, related kidney diseases, are very common. Diabetes is one of the most common causes of kidney failure. Also, life expectancy has significantly improved because of the including healthcare and age-related kidney disease, is also very common. Also awareness for all diseases and kidney diseases as people go for routine health checkups so pre-employment, checkups before health insurance are very common nowadays. Because is all these factors kidney diseases are detected in early stages.
Who is a nephrologist?
Nephrologists are Doctors who are physicians full treat all form of kidney diseases. Nephrologist the world comes from nephron which means a basic filter in the kidney. The nephron is a basic part of the kidney which filters blood and fond urine so many nephrons (one million approximately) from one kidney.
Nephrons removed toxins waste excess sub senses from the blood and form urine. The doctor who special gist is creating kidney disease known nephrologist.
So after doing post-graduation internal medicine doctor who do super specialization in kidney diseases are known as nephrologist of kidney specialist or kidney doctor.
Nephrologist The degree can be D.M.or D.N.B.
There is significant scarcity of the number of nephrologists an India. Nephrologists are super-specialist and most of the superspecialists.They are practice in metropolitans or major cities in India. Out of all metropolitan Delhi NCR has a maximum number of nephrologists. There is any part or cities of the country where nephrologist, medical facilities related to kidney disease, dialysis center or kidney transplant facility are not available.
Introduction to Dr. Rajesh Goel
Dr.RajeshGoel is a Senior Consultant Nephrologist and Kidney Transplant Physician practicing in Delhi, South Delhi, NCR, Panipat, Narelaand Faridabad. He practices in Kidney Care Centre which is located in Faridabad and Delhi(Saket,South Delhi), and PushpwatiSinghania Research Institute (PSRI) Hospital Kidney Care Centre is founder by Dr. Rajesh Goel with his wife Dr. Sonia Goel in 2013. In Kidney Care Centre manages all forms of outpatient department services related to kidney diseases. PSRI Hospital is one of the best Multi Speciality Hospital in Delhi. In PSRI hospital Nephrology department deals with all forms of kidney disease. In this hospital lots of research programs and DNG Nephrologist training in nephrology is conducted. PSRI Hospital was established in 1996. In this hospital till now successful kidney transplant have been conducted.
Who is best Nephrologist in Delhi?
Dr. Rajesh Goel is very sincere and helpful to his patient. He is a doctor who listens patiently, nonjudgmentally, empathically, and who shows that he understands his patient’s problems. He is skillfully manages patient problems.
He also gives proper time to his patients. He is very helpful for poor patients.
Many patients come to him from far away for second opinion. He not only promotes health as well as manages kidney diseases. He gives unbiased advice to his patients. He also properly communicates and prognosticates about kidney failure treatment. He respects his patients, juniors, seniors, nurses, and mentors.
He is a sincere, experience and well trained in managing in all forms of kidney diseases. He has a vast experience of kidney transplant. He has manage a number of kidney failure patients, chronic kidney diseases, nephrotic syndrome(protein leaking throw urine), temporary dialysis catheter(Jugular,subclavian, femoral), kidney biopsy SLE (Lupus) Nepritis, Hemodialysis, Peritoneal dialysis(Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis, automated peritoneal dialysis-APD),permacath, cystic disease, autosomal dominant polycystic kidney(ADPKD), Vesico ureteral reflux(VUR, reflux nephropathy), renal tubular acidosis,acute kidney injury (AKI) or acute renal failure (ARF),unexplained renal failure, diabetes, related kidney disease, hypertension related kidney disease, kidney stone, pyelonephritis, and many other kidney diseases.
Best Kidney Hospital in Delhi
PSRI Hospital has very coordinated care, team-based care, transparent pricing and helpful for poor patients.
Best Kidney Transplant Hospital in Delhi
PSRI Hospital provides one of the best kidney transplants program in north India.
They have the best transplant surgeons and nephrologist team. Dr. Rajesh Goel has conducted a number of successful kidney transplant patients.
Best KidneySpecialist in Delhi
Kidney A specialist is a Doctor who manages all types of kidney diseases. They are also known as nephrologist, kidney doctor or kidney transplant doctor.