Getting pregnant is easier for some females. However, it is very tough for some women of reproductive age. If it is with you, there is no need to worry. According to Dr Arthi Mani, a fertility expert at an IVF centre in Gurgaon, women can increase their chances of getting pregnant through a few lifestyle changes. Here are some ways for your support:

1. Have a pre-pregnancy or preconception screening
Before you start trying to conceive, you should have a checkup. Through the pre-pregnancy test, you can know whether you have any reproductive health issues or not. If yes, your doctor can advise you of some effective treatment options.
After interacting with you, the doctor can recommend prenatal vitamins that contain folic acid. This element protects you and your baby from birth defects like spina bifida. Further, the doctor can suggest what you should do and what you should not do to conceive.
2. Know your menstrual cycle and ovulation time
Usually, a female has a menstrual cycle during her reproductive age. It starts on the first day of your period and lasts prior to the next period. A menstrual cycle lasts for anything between 24 and 35 days. A woman can have a shorter (less than 24 days) or longer (more than 35 days) menstrual cycle.
Shorter or longer menstrual cycles are not good for a female, as it makes predicting ovulation harder or indicates ovulation disorder. Suppose that your menstrual cycle is regular, and it lasts for around 28 days every month. Your ovulation time will be around day 10 to day 14/16. In the case of irregular menstrual cycle, you need to use an Ovulation Prediction kit and monitor your basal body temperature and cervical mucus.
3. Take proper care of your diet
Taking a healthy and balanced diet is crucial for everyone. It becomes more important for you when you are about to work on your family expansion plan. Ensure whatever you eat in your breakfast, lunch, dinner, or supper has all the requisite nutritional elements. To facilitate your effort to get pregnant, you should include the following food items in your diet:
- Green, leafy, and seasonal vegetables
- Whole grains
- Seeds and nuts (pumpkin seeds and walnuts for examples)
- Fruits
- Pasteurised dairy products (milk and cheese)
- Eggs
4. Manage your weight
Being underweight or overweight is not good for a healthy pregnancy. You should make an effort to gain weight if you are underweight and try to lose your weight if you are overweight or an obesy. The most ideal option for you is to monitor your BMI (body mass index). For a healthy pregnancy, your BMI should be between 19 and 25.
Suggest to Read:- What Foods should be avoided during the first trimester of pregnanc
5. Stay physically active
Being physically active is crucial for you, especially when you are trying to conceive or increasing your pregnancy chances. Physical activeness will help you improve your blood circulation, regulate your reproductive hormones, relieve body & muscle tensions, and enhance your body function. You should do light to moderate exercises but avoid the ones of higher intensity. You can go for:
- Swimming
- Morning/evening walk for at least 30 minutes
- Jogging or running
- Cycling in an open area
6. Manage your stress
Stress is not good for anyone, Having stress can affect your effort to get pregnant and lower its chances. You should avoid thinking about your family expansion plan for most of the time. Keep your pregnancy plan normal and do all things normally to avoid stress and anxiety. If you are stressed, you should try to lower its impact. And for this, you can practise:
- Deep breathing
- Meditation
- Count down from 100 to 1
Being pregnant is different for each woman. Some get pregnant without any planning for it while some females have to struggle a lot to conceive. Applying the above-mentioned steps can help you increase your pregnancy chances.