Not all snakes are venomous but there are many species of snakes which are can cause serious harm even death. Some snakes are not much harmful but can cause allergy, reaction or infection. Patient should be treated as the snake is identified to be venomous or non-venomous. If snake is not identified the case must be taken as the snake was venomous. Children are more likely to be affected as by snake bite because of small body size. Biting of snake may cause swelling, sever pain, redness on affected area, sweating, and vomiting, which may take hours to appear. Venomous snake may cause tissue death near bite, kidney failure, allergic reaction or breathing problems.

Aid to be followed:
- First thing to be done is to identify snake. If snake is dead, it can be taken to medial for identification. If it's not dead don't try to kill it and waste time, you can take photo and that's enough to identify snake.
- Call for an emergency medical help.
- Don't let the patient to walk. Carry or transport patient on vehicle as movement causes venom to move more quickly throughout the body.
- Remain calm and remove jewelry and tight clothing before it swells.
- Position the patient is such way that the bite is at lower level of heart.
- Don't use tourniquet.
- Don't cut the bite (wound) or try to remove venom by sucking it with mouth.
- Don't drink alcohol or caffeine it may lead faster absorption of venom.
- Don't use pain killers or give any medications unless directed by doctor.
- Don't use suction devices as it may cause more damage and increases chances of infection.
- Wearing proper footwear, long pants, hiking boots etc..
- Not walking in dark places outside.
- Avoiding areas where snakes are seen frequently.
- Not handling snakes.