Nepali Unicode converter makes it easy to type Nepali font (Devanagari Script). Nepali unicode converter can convert romanized Nepali into Devanagari Nepali font. Using Nepali converter makes easier to type Nepali and written text can be used in Microsoft word, emailing, texting, chatting on social apps or media. You will need to just copy and paste written text where you want to type Nepali font. It has been widely used for posting on Facebook and chatting on messenger and WhatsApp.

Easy Nepali Typing allows you to convert romanized English into Devanagari script easily. You have to type in roman English and written words will be converted in Nepali font. Example: If you type "mero" and hit space key on keyboard it will be converted as "मेरो". If you want to correct press backspace key and list of correction suggestion will be shown.
Unicode Nepali Converter v3
It is similar as to Easy Nepali Typing but difference is that it has different correction function, select the word you want to correct and correction list will be shown, select the word you want use. It is upgraded version of Unicode Nepali Converter v2 so it will not require correction as far as possible. You will get help for typing below typing area.
This is older version of Unicode Nepali Converter. You will get area for typing at below portion saying "Type here" and roman English will be converted in Devanagari script after you are have typed and converted click on go and what will type next will be shifted to next line. If you want to correct click on make correction and a box will be added showing roman English and Devanagari font, you can edit roman English to correct Devanagari font.
This unicode is developed by Ashesh's Blog. It has two boxes on top box type Nepali in roman English and in bottom box you will see converted Nepali Devanagari front.
Nepali Unicode Converter is almost same as Easy Nepali Typing. Type in roman English and it will be converted. Same as Easy Nepali Converter press backspace key to see correction suggestion and select correct word.