Lots of people are there who love writing and sharing online through blog or website. Writing and sharing online are as hobby or passion. These online contents can be monetized using Google AdSense. Lots of blogger and website owner have dream to monetize their content using adsense. AdSense has been always great choice for both advertiser and publisher. Being in Nepal I got my AdSense account in early 2017. It's not much difficult yo get AdSense account if you follow the instruction carefully.

Anyone who have a website with contents can apply for adsense and show ads to monetize after getting approval from google adsense team if he/she is 18 years old. Before applying for google adsense there are lots of things to care for getting approved. Before applying for AdSense there are many questions that arises in mind, Is my site elegible for AdSsense? What are requirements for AdSense? Will my AdSense application be approved? Here are some most important points for getting my adsense account approved.
Never post duplicate contents:
This is the first thing that every blogger or website owner need to keep in mind before thinking for adsense to monetize online content. Never copy any post or article from other website. If you repost any content show the source of that content on that reposted article. Duplicate contents will never be approved by google adsense team, it's totally against google's policy. All the post published should be grammatically correct and clear.
Write for your visitors:
While writing any article write complete article, that is useful for your visitors but never post an incomplete article. Try writing every article with more than 300 words. Don't write small articles with very few contents to attract search engine, such websites are demoted by google search engine.
Visitors and contents of website:
Most of people have concept that you should have lots of visitors to get approved for adsense but it is not obligatory if you have rich and original contents. Write more than 80 posts that are originally written and have contains more than 300 words in each post. Google AdSense wants original posts to show ads number of visitors can be considered secondary. Never apply for Adsense with copyrighted contents unless you have right to publish it. Google even don't accepts adult sites, pirated contents, hacking or cracking software or tutorials about hacking or cracking, illegal drugs etc, so you need to remove those contents if you have on your blog/website.
Design of blog:
Website should have good design and clear navigation. Theme on the site should be neat with standard look of posts, sidebar, header and footer. Poor looking theme and unwanted widgets on your website are also reason of AdSense disapproval. Get any free or paid theme for your website which has clear navigation and clean layout.
Privacy policy, about and contact page:
This is thing ignored by most of blogger and websites but it's a must thing for adsense approval.
A website applying for adsense must have a privacy policy page, if you don't have it you will be disapproved. It is a requirement of adsense to have privacy policy on websites for approval.
It should have about us page with some background of website and owner's details. It shows you are a real person and not a hidden for any reason.
A contact page can help your visitors to contact with you for suggestions, feedback, give some idea for website etc. Having it shows your interest on website and you care for your visitors. You can have a contact form and also include your email for contacting.
Other advertising networks:
If you have any other ad network on your blog it's better to remove them before applying for AdSense. After getting approved by adsense you can use other ad network's ads on your blog as adsense allows other ad networks with them.
Your domain:
If you have subdomain like yourdomain.blogspot.com from blogger you can get approved for adsense but if you have your own custom domain like: .com, .net, .com.np etc the chances are high.
All the best!!