Every site owner wants their site to be visited globally. To be familiar, you first need to know basic information like how much visitors coming daily to site, how quality and unique the content is, etc. For this analytics results, Alexa is the best choice of analytic tool because it shows 99% correct ranking.

What is Alexa Rank?
Alexa.com is a subsidiary of Amazon.com. It is a kind of web analytics tool. Alexa will give you a summary of your site’s performance metrics relative with the competitor’s site on the web for each country. Alexa ranks the site performance based On Bounce rate, No. of visitors, and Time Spent on each page.This will help you to maximize the visibility and popularity of your site among the world.
How does Alexa work?
Alexa estimates all analytic parameters to all sites on the Internet. This involves complex calculation which includes bias corrections as well as identifying and discarding fake or spam traffic. To know the accurate ‘site metrics’, you need to install the Alexa generated ‘tracking code’ on all pages of your website. This code tracks the accurate web data and give you the analytics results.
In addition, Alexa provides various services like competitive intelligence, SEO audits, Keyword searches, keyword queries, accurate online intelligence to improve the website performance. This helps the user to improve the familiarity of his site in India and USA.
Special features of Alexa
1. Uncover Your Competitor’s Strategy
Using Alexa, you can create/customize comparison metrics against your competitors and download the reports for monitoring your sites periodically.
2. Site Optimization
Alexa Site and SEO Audit combines through your site’s code and gives the suggestions to improve the site’s performance. You can get the reports weekly, monthly based on subscription plans.
3. Trustable Certified Metrics
Alexa certified code enables to measure site’s traffic. It ensures high traffic and high rankings and it helps you to highlight yourself to advertisers. This report is available only for advanced plan subscription users.
10 Steps to improve Alexa website ranking quickly in 2019
These are not just the tips instead they are proven methods by many website owners. These steps will improve the ranking of your site but major part of ranking lies in the content.
1. Install Alexa Toolbar
Install the Alexa toolbar and set your website as homepage. This counts the global and local ranks of your site.
2. Add Alexa Widget on your site
Having alexa ranking widget on the site helps to improve the rankings of the site.
3. Write unique original content
Content is the master in website businesses. The more unique the content is , the more visitors would be. If the blog/site content made the visitors to return back to site, then Alexa rankings improve automatically. Having fresh and attractive content will make the readers hooked always, and improves the credibility of the post/page.
4. Update your post regularly
No one likes the site/post which has not been updated for man years. Page and post content should be updated periodically. The more content with new data, information, and more keywords improves the ranking of site.
5. Share your Content on Social Media
Social media plays vital role in any business and is main source for generating high traffic to the site. High performance keywords should be used to improve the pagerank.
6. Optimize Page Load Time
Speed defines everything. No one will wait so long to read the page. Lesser loading time will make the visitors to spend long time in the site. This directly improves alex rankings. Conversion rate will be improved by decreasing the page loading time of the website.
7. Directory Submission
This might be a traditional method for generating website based on business domain and category. Submit the URL in good directories will improve Alexa ranking and generate huge traffic and help to have best leads in business.
8. Time Spent on Website, Bounce Rate & CTR
Users will spend more time on the website if they find the information what they are actually looking for. To met this expectation, you need to provide quality content. This made the visitors to return back when they need any other information. Returning visitor count make a drastic change in Alexa Rankings.
9. Backlinks from Authorities Websites
Having links with high authority websites will improve the traffic of website to improve page authority on the website. The higher the page authority is, the better leads it gets.
10. Get Alexa Certified web Metrics
Adding Alexa code to your site enables you to measure the traffic of the site. There are many plans available in Alexa Ranking Tool. Based on your needs and how far you want to be visible, choose the plans accordingly.
These were the methodologies which we have verified personally and applied to our site. Before implementing, do some reality checks and share the experience with us.
Author Bio:
Iyyapan Kalimuthu has been the lead digital marketer and professional content writer in a well recognized SEO service since 2010. He is very much interested in ghostwriting, web content, Ebooks and SEO articles. His passion is to help others in all aspects of marketing and so he often conducts advanced digital marketing training programme. Writing content is not simply his job, it’s his craze and he breathes for it!
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