Nowadays, a common seeing is people are using nulled themes and some plugins this is pirated copies of some premium plugins. People are freely using those thinking safe. A big question is has arisen whether those themes are safe or harmful. In this article, I am describing the effect of null themes on your WordPress site.

What is null theme?
Null themes are the pirated version of premium WordPress themes. Null themes are illegal. They are mainly the cracked versions of the main theme. Null themes are distributed on the internet and user can generally find them in the website which is full and adds and transfers you to other websites.
However, If you want to get some best wordpress themes reivew for your website then you can visit GoodlyWP website which is one of the most popular website to get best themes review and choose the best one for your new website.
It is true that most all your necessary of a premium theme or plugins can be full filled using a null theme. But there are lots of problems behind that. In as of security, update or support you will never get a proper solution. Most of the time those features don't take updates and the security is lower. As legal licensed is not provided, so null themes are illegal.
There are many bad effects of a null theme. I am going to describe them. Get to know about them and avoid nulled themes.
- Privacy problem
It seems like everything is the same as a premium theme but a null theme can contain some malicious hidden code inside the code. There can be code that may steal your WordPress information and others. Your email address, password, username even the information of your customers are at risk using a null theme.
You may have a question what is the benefit of stealing your information. The dark web hackers can steal and easily hack your WordPress site and make them available on the dark web. They are really hard to detect and you may not even notice how your site gets hacked.
So cost some money on premium plugins instead of freely giving your website to the dark web hackers.
- Dropped SEO ranking
How can it be possible that a nulled theme can effect on my SEO? Yes, it is happening. I have already mentioned you that there are many unknown coding available on a nulled theme. Generally, some spam links are added with null themes or they redirect the users to the bad links. That will completely destroy your SEO ranking.
Those links are added so crucially that it is almost impossible to detect them. For those, you may need some months to recover your SEO ranking and sometimes it is so terrible that you may need to start a new website.
So, there is no meaning to destroy your site willing using nulled themes. You can checkout some awesome SEO friendly Multipurpose WordPress themes here.
- No legal license
We all know some premium plugins requires license as some codes of them are protected by copyright laws. Nulled themes have no legal license and if you use then you are using the theme illegally.
So finally, in case of using an illegal theme, you may have to cost a lot of money for your lawyer. Stop saving a little if the aftermath is a lot to pay.
- No update
Most of the WordPress theme provides updates for fixing bug, adding new features and other security issues. Every update is a big advantage for the user. Now keep in mind that nulled theme provides no update as there is no legal license.
Without new updates, your website will be backdated. You may not find many interesting features and other advantages. You have to carry on having lots of problems and sometimes you won't even notice whether there is an update or not. Sometimes, update is so crucial that your website won't be able to compatible with the theme without a new update.
So, there is no meaning of staying backdated using nulled themes.
- No support and documentation
Support and documentation are two big issue to use a theme properly. The skilled users even need the help of the supporting team. Besides, after every update, new functions are added to the theme. Most of them are kind of unfamiliar to the users.
The helping team and developer works hard to provide the best documentation. They also answer your all the questions as well. Nulled theme won't provide any support. For your any problem there is no one to help you. You won't also get any documentation. So I am assuming you won't be able to create a proper website using a null theme.
- Mental tension and courage decreases
When you are using a nulled theme then you are always at a risk of some combined subject. You know your SEO ranking can be dropped anytime. You also know your information can be handled to others without your permission. Your theme can be hacked anytime and finally for using an illegal theme you can get caught. All of these always gives you tension and it is impossible to get out of this tension.
Another important thing is for creating an attractive website, you have to make the best use of every single function. Support is always mandatory. Updates are also obvious to make a cool site. But with nulled theme, there is no support, no update, no documentation.
So you have to waste so many time to fix a bug or get properly connected to any new feature. Without having any update it will be so tuff. And finally, you will lose hope that your website will be a great one. All these will discourage you. And if anyhow SEO ranking is dropped then most of the time people stop recovering these.
So there is no meaning to be in tension using a null theme.
- Conclusion:
The major problems of a null theme are shown in this article. The update, security, license and many other problems are there in a null theme. To create a stunning website it is certainly necessary for a paid theme. So I am advising everyone not to use nulled theme as it is good for nothing.